Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

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Chris Hall
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Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:08 am

I received a mail from HMS Enterprises to let me know that they have listed the decimal inch sashigane on Amazon: ... B01928GMB6

I sent them a mail back suggesting a few editorial editions to the ad. We'll see if that makes it through or not. In the meantime, there is now a more convenient way to purchase this model of framing square.
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Chris Hall
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:00 am

I asked Harrelson Stanley if he would give me 10% on sales for the square since he chose to use my name in the advertisement, and he agreed. He asked that buyers, if any, put “Chris sent me" in the notes box when making the purchase on Amazon.

75 sashigane remain in stock. I'd buy them and resell them if I could afford to do so.
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:44 pm

i would like to have one but they do not ship to the Netherlands. :evil: :evil:
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Chris Hall
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:06 pm

Really? If you're prepared to tackle the expense, have them ship it to me and I'll ship it to you no problem. International postage can be expensive however...
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:39 pm

haha,yes really.
if it is no trouble for you i would like that.
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Chris Hall
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:49 pm

PM sent.
Sweeper of Floors, Maker of Tea
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:16 pm

Please use metric and be part of the planet.
Metric planet.JPG
Metric planet.JPG (51.16 KiB) Viewed 8112 times
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Chris Hall
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:16 pm

Gadge, what's the point of that? Not helpful.

Is your thought that putting up a graphic listing the US in a group with Liberia and Burma supposed to what - shame people? If so, you should know I am not down with that, and you will find such approaches do not motivate many. If your claim is that the US is backward, well, sure, it is in many respects.

The history of why metric never took hold here is an interesting one and a topic I am well versed on. It is not always a straightforward thing, how histories unfold, despite good intentions on the part of many.

No measuring system is more 'rational' than any other. They are all artificial constructs - metric more perhaps so as it is based on such standards (when it comes to the metre) as the distance travelled by light in a specific fraction (1/299 792 458) of a second.

Measurement and measurement systems simply a matter of what you are familiar with and whether that system allows you to accomplish measurement to the required degree of accuracy. I don't relate well to measuring horses by hands, or distance by rods and chains, but if that was what a person was comfortable with and capable of easily relating to, I would hardly feel like I should tell them to adopt something else. You perhaps feel otherwise. Good luck with that.

The US certainly pays a cost for not conforming, outside of scientific endeavors, to metric, however the reality on the ground here in the US is that the public appetite for government regulations of any kind, regardless of how wise or well-meaning the advocates for the regulations might be, is generally a non-starter. And there are a lot of cultural and historical reasons for that attitude towards the government here. So don't hold your breath for the US 'joining' the rest of the world. Indeed, that very idea, sad to say, would be abhorrent to many on the right wing of the political spectrum.
Sweeper of Floors, Maker of Tea
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:01 pm

I knew the post was very provocative and apologize for causing trouble. I certainly wasn't trying to say the US is backward but did have a reason.

I work in electronics/manufacturing in Australia and deal with a lot of US manufacturers. Over the years I've seen quite a few instances of the different measurement systems causing problems and misunderstandings and wish we had a global system (which we almost have). From conversations with US colleagues it seems the situation I illustrated is not widely know there. I don't think much will change unless it is.

Yes, it was rude but maybe the illustration can help spread the word.

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Chris Hall
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Re: Decimal inch Sashigane now on Amazon

Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:32 pm

Oh I understand your concern. NASA lost the $125 million Mars orbiter in 1999 because of a mix up between inch scale and metric between engineering teams.

I think you truly kid yourself if you think a map like the above, showing Americans that their choice of measurement system is shared by just a couple of countries - countries which, if I might make a guess, were known to perhaps only 20% of the population to begin with - were an effective means of winning them to your view. Americans are notoriously poor at geography. Show them all the maps you like -or charts, or graphs, or statistics, and you'll get nowhere, I promise you. Case in point: Syria is in the news virtually every day, however if you took a world map and asked Americans to locate Syria on it, you would have a very low success rate.

I remember once having a discussion with an American friend, a college graduate, while in Japan, and mentioned to him that Canada, though it is the United States largest trading partner and shares the longest border in the world with the US, receives almost no media coverage here and most americans know very little about Canada or Canadians. I thought that was unfortunate, however his defensive response was even more unfortunate: "Why should I know anything about Canada?"

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