Planemakers and their Blades: Miki City Region

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Chris Hall
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Planemakers and their Blades: Miki City Region

Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:46 pm

Miki City (三木市), north of the port city of Kobe, has long been one of the main centers for bladesmithing in Japan. I'll be putting together a catalog of the various makers, and their planes.
Miki.8.jpg (103.26 KiB) Viewed 8328 times
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Chris Hall
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Re: Planemakers and their Blades: Miki City Region

Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:05 pm




千代鶴是秀 Chiyozuru, Korehide. The first smith in what has become a plane making dynasty. Born in 1874, died in 1957. His actual family name is Katō, Hiroshi (加藤 廣)
korehide (本名 加藤 廣) 1874~1957.jpg
korehide (本名 加藤 廣) 1874~1957.jpg (5.39 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
The Reigetsu (嶺月), or "peak of the moon":
tiyo-reigetu-11.jpg (56.34 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
Front side:
tiyo-reigetu-72.jpg (18.38 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
The kōzanshun (鴻山春), lit., "Goose Mountain in the Spring":
tiyozuru-kouzannsyunn-01.jpg (40.32 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
tiyozuru-kouzannsyunn-71.jpg (50.47 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
千代鶴貞秀 Chiyozuru, Sadahide. The 2nd generation smith. Lived 1908~1999. Real name Kamiyoshi (perh. Kanki), Yoshinaga 神吉義良
sadahide (本名 神吉義良)1908~1999.jpg
sadahide (本名 神吉義良)1908~1999.jpg (6.62 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
The Rangiku (乱菊), a "riot of Chrysanthemums":
乱菊 rangiku.JPG
乱菊 rangiku.JPG (41.67 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
The koto-no-yūgiri (古都の夕霧), old town's evening mist":
古都の夕霧.JPG (115.15 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
The Awaji no Yūnagi (淡路の夕凪), "Evening calm at Awaji Island":
淡路の夕凪.JPG (116.24 KiB) Viewed 8327 times
二台目千代鶴貞秀 Nidai-me Chiyozuru, Sadahide. The successor to the second generation smith Chiyozuru, Sadahide - his son - takes the same name. His real name is Kamiyoshi, Iwao (神吉岩雄). Born in 1944 and still working. To clarify between the two Sadahide's, the currently living one has Nidai-me (二台目) prefixing his name. Nidai-me Sadahide continues to make many of the models his father originated.
nidaimesadahide (本名 神吉岩雄) 1944~.jpg
nidaimesadahide (本名 神吉岩雄) 1944~.jpg (8.08 KiB) Viewed 8326 times
The Tenshaku (天爵), "innate superior virtue":
sadaten1.JPG (140.52 KiB) Viewed 8326 times

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Chris Hall
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Re: Planemakers and their Blades: Miki City Region

Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:57 am



Fukusaburo, Uozumi 魚住福三郎 A smith trained under Tsunesaburo.

The Kodai, (古代) or 'old era':
fukusabukannas.JPG (121.67 KiB) Viewed 8308 times
The Fukusaburo 福三郎:
CA390480.jpg (31.2 KiB) Viewed 8308 times





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Chris Hall
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Re: Planemakers and their Blades: Miki City Region

Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:53 am




S. 坂田憲治 Sakata, Kenji. High class, famous maker. Blades in super Blue Steel and Tōkyō Reigo (東郷0号鋼) steel.

The Shisei (至誠), meaning "to arrive at the truth", in Tōkyō Reigo steel:
至誠.jpg (230.64 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
至誠3.jpg (229.85 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Seikon (精魂), lit., the "vitality of spirit"; in Tōkyō Inukubi (東郷鋼犬首号) steel:
saka-seikon.jpg (109.11 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Ten'un (天運), lit., "carrier of heaven" in Super Blue Steel:
天運 tenun.jpg
天運 tenun.jpg (104.56 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Bokkei (木鶏) or Mokkei, lit., the "wooden fowl", forged Super Blue steel:
木鶏 bokkei.jpg
木鶏 bokkei.jpg (112.96 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The En no Mai (炎の舞), lit., the "dance of fire":
炎の舞.jpg (145.86 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
炎の舞2.jpg (170.28 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Magoi (真鯉), meaning the "Black Carp", in Tōkyō Reigo steel:
真鯉 東郷レイ号2.jpg
真鯉 東郷レイ号2.jpg (130.03 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
A rare version of the same plane in sword steel, tama-hagane (玉鋼):
真鯉 玉鋼.jpg
真鯉 玉鋼.jpg (17.56 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Yuki (), meaning "snow", in super Blue Steel:
雪 sakatayuki1.JPG
雪 sakatayuki1.JPG (114.56 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Kiku (), or 'Chrysanthemum":
菊.jpg (39.28 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
The Shinkon (真魂), lit., "true spirit", in Tōkyō Reigo steel:
真魂 1.jpg
真魂 1.jpg (183.85 KiB) Viewed 8315 times
T. 常三郎 Tsunesaburō. A three generation plane making dynasty. The actual family name is Uozumi (魚住). TsuneSaburō the 1st, Tsunezo, has passed on, but I believe second generation, ornidaime, Tsunesaburō, Akio (昭男), is still going, as is his son, the third generation, or sandaime (三代目), Tōru (徹). This family produces blades ranging from inexpensive to costly, in a wide variety of different steels. The following is not a complete listing by any stretch...

The Mon (), meaning 'gate', in Blue Steel #1:
mon 青紙1号.jpg
mon 青紙1号.jpg (52.1 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Hote-tsune (ほて常), in Blue Steel #1:
ほ て 常 ほてつね 青紙1号.jpg
ほ て 常 ほてつね 青紙1号.jpg (46.81 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Tanjōsan (丹生山), in a specially-forged steel:
丹 生 山 たんじょうさん 超特殊鋼.jpg
丹 生 山 たんじょうさん 超特殊鋼.jpg (51.81 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Watō (倭刀), meaning 'ancient Japanese sword', in Super White Steel:
倭刀 わとう 白紙スーパー鋼.jpg
倭刀 わとう 白紙スーパー鋼.jpg (83.29 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Gachirin (月輪), or 'moon-wheel', in Tōkyō Reigo Steel:
月輪 がちりん 東郷レイ号大.jpg
月輪 がちりん 東郷レイ号大.jpg (49.69 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Senju (千壽), a 'thousand congratulations', in Swedish Steel:
千 壽 せんじゅ スウェーデン鋼 .jpg
千 壽 せんじゅ スウェーデン鋼 .jpg (56.57 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Meigōryōmo (迷悟両忘), meaning 'forgetting both illusion and enlightenment', in Super Blue Steel:
迷悟両忘 めいごりょうもう青紙スーパー鋼.jpg
迷悟両忘 めいごりょうもう青紙スーパー鋼.jpg (50.95 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Muga (無我), meaning 'without ego', in Swedish steel:
無我 む が スウェーデン鋼.jpg
無我 む が スウェーデン鋼.jpg (59.78 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Maboroshi (), meaning 'illusion', in Super Blue Steel:
幻 まぼろし 青紙1号.jpg
幻 まぼろし 青紙1号.jpg (38.86 KiB) Viewed 8310 times
The Fukuju-in (福寿院), or 'institution blessed with longevity', in Swedish Steel:
福 寿 院 ふくじゅいん スウェーデン鋼.jpg
福 寿 院 ふくじゅいん スウェーデン鋼.jpg (52.08 KiB) Viewed 8310 times



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